How to Use My Photo Stream on Your iPhone/iPad

My Photo Stream stores your last 30 days photos (up to 1,000 total) on Cloud storage. The downside is that there's no support for video; only includes
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My Photo Stream stores your last 30 days photos (up to 1,000 total) on Cloud storage. The downside is that there's no support for video; only includes photo storage.

It's important to note that if you have iCloud Photo Library turned on , all new photos will appear in the All Photos area in the Photos app. In this case, you will not see an album named “ My Photo Streams ”. In fact, with iCloud Photo Library enabled, My Photo Stream is no longer needed. However, there are some differences between My Photo Stream and iCloud Photo Library that you may want to consider when making a decision where to include photos.

Turn on My Vault

Activating My Vault takes just a few taps. To get started, open the Settings app and tap the “ Photos ” option.

Next, enable the “ My Stock Photo ” toggle .

My Vault is now activated.

Access photos in My Photo Stream

Once My Photo Stream is activated, viewing your photos is easy. To get started, open the Photos app and tap the “Albums” button at the bottom of the screen.

You'll find the last 30 days' worth of photos, up to 1,000, right here in this folder.

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