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Prevent Adsense from Click Bombing using Vanilla JavaScript

Hello, Bloggers! Welcome to Lygiangz Design. If you have an Adsense approved site, you might have faced the issues of Ad-limits due to invalid clic…

How to Make an Optical Illusion Parallax Ad When Scrolling

Parallax ad is a unique type of ad that creates an optical illusion to the reader when scrolling article paragraphs, the ad is located in the backgro…

How to Use My Photo Stream on Your iPhone/iPad

My Photo Stream stores your last 30 days photos (up to 1,000 total) on Cloud storage. The downside is that there's no support for video; only inc…

Split Article with Tab Function

Anda bisa membagi postingan panjang menjadi beberapa bagia…

Split Article Into Several Pages

Berguna untuk membagi artikel menjadi beberapa halaman Sample…

HP Pavilion 15


Gangstar Vegas is an open-global

Gangstar Vegas is an open-global mafia-themed sport wherein the participant follows Jason as he escapes Frank. You’re loose to choose your experience…

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